क्या फूल के टूटने का, एक पौधे को पता चलता है? क्या उसके हमसाथी पत्ते को, उसकी याद आती है? क्या उस से रोज़ मिलने वाला भंवरा , उसके खोने...

The adventure of being you.
क्या फूल के टूटने का, एक पौधे को पता चलता है? क्या उसके हमसाथी पत्ते को, उसकी याद आती है? क्या उस से रोज़ मिलने वाला भंवरा , उसके खोने...
I woke up at 11, I had slept at 2 AM, everyone else had slept at 4 AM. All the people were checking out today, and I was the only one re...
I didn't ride today, legs need rest, I have done about 280 kilometres in the last 5 days, and the legs need rest, the roads here are ...
The plan was to start riding at 7 AM today and to reach Mcleodganj before sundown. I woke up at 8:15, thankfully I had done all my packing...
When I woke up almost everyone was off to paragliding, I met Mr Pargat Singh, who was here with a few guests as a driver, he told me a...
Mission Impossible? 3 years ago, when I was in Bir I had tried to ride to this mystical hot spring that a few locals told me about, it ...
Warming up I slept like a log last night, not sleeping for 48 hours does that I guess, I woke up around 11:30 AM, and then took another 4...
It ain't it chief. I didn't sleep at all last night, The constant thought of paying money to the conductor for the ticket and th...
Murphy's Law 2.0. If things can go wrong, they'll fucking go wrong. I made a last-minute plan to take a trip, booked my yes y...
On my commute to the Metro Station, I saw a guy on a roadster ( Ghoda cycle or Dudhwala cycle as pe decoratively call it) cruis...
पतझड़ मैंने पिछले पतझड़, सूखे बागीचे में, पीले पत्तों के बीच, सूखी हवाओं में लहलहाता, एक गुलाबी पीपल का पेड़ देखा, बोगनविलिया की एक बेल ने...
क़यामत मुझे कहीं दूर हटा दो, हर आेर तुम ईंट लगा दो, या इटालियन मार्बल बिछा दो, फिर रंगीन ग्रानीइट सजा दो, याद रखना, बस एक क़यामत की दूरी...
With walls of anger and guilt, I built myself a temple of doom, And locked me up in a room, I Furiously yelled, At people who helped m...